Monday 19 May 2014

Boko Haram 'ready to release schoolgirls'

Supporters are seen during a rally in Miami, Florida, to show support for national and international action to free the Nigerian girls. Photo / AFP

Boko Haram is prepared to start releasing up to half of the kidnapped schoolgirls in the coming days after dropping demands for the release of top commanders in talks with the Nigerian government, sources close to the group have said.

The militant Islamist group, which kidnapped more than 200 schoolgirls a month ago, is willing to conduct a "gradual" release of its hostages in return for the freeing of Boko Haram prisoners in Nigerian jails, it was claimed.

In a significant concession, the group has abandoned demands for its top commanders to be released, seemingly aware that this would be politically impossible for the Nigerian government.

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